Sheffield Wednesday Fan quiz : swfc questions

  • Author
  • #17612
    Derek Duckworth

    First Footy Memory, like:

    Which were t’first match tha ever clapped eyes on? Were it a bobby dazzler from t’start?

    Picking Thi’ Team:

    ‘Ow did tha land up cheerin’ for thi’ favourite squad? Were it written in stars, passed down from thi’ folks, or did tha lose a wager?

    First Time at T’ Match:

    Chunter on about t’first time tha set foot at a live match. Did thi’ lads do us proud an’ win?
    Match Tha’ll Nevva Forget:

    What’s that one match tha’ll nivver get out thi’ head? What meks it so bleedin’ special?

    Typical Match Day Doings:

    What’s thi’ drill come match day? Any rituals or must-dos?

    Favourite Player o’ All Time:

    Who’s that one player tha’s mad about, an’ what meks ’em stand out for thee?

    Worst Player Thi’s Seen:

    Who’s been t’most mardy bum on t’pitch tha can recall?

    Best Footy Laugh:

    Share thi’ top tale or funniest thing tha’s seen happen at a match, summat to make us chuckle.


    john smith


    john smith


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